miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015


-Who I am:

It’s nice to see you’re interested in my own vision of education.
First of all let me introduce myself.
I’m Francisco de Torres Redondo, I’m from Ceuta, and I’ve been living here since I was born twenty years ago.
This is my second year in my formation as teacher, so I know a little bit about the situation schools and education are passing through.
This video is made to show my own perspective of how to run a school.


From the first day I started college on, I was asked why I wanted to be a teacher.
Honestly, Magisterium was not my first option.
At the beginning I wanted to study  for being a translator, but I couldn’t.
So I started this.
Thanks this I’ve seen how wrong education is planned is our country.

Everyone who has studied languages at school can notice that, actually, they don’t know anything about how to learn a language. They just know how to work in a grammar system without any oral practice.
First of all, our country just only offers English in Elementary school without giving any view of how we can learn it.

So. Let’s see.


I call basics those subjects that have always been there: Own language (Spanish), Maths and science.
We have to teach from a practical perspective, that is: We have to focus on the children to know what they enjoy the most, so it will constitute the first step to our journey.

-Spanish is the main language, so children will learn anything they desire, from their structures to its literature If we know how to motivate them

-Maths would be focus on the meaning of it in our lives. Why should we learn them? In my own school pupils wouldn’t have to make operations the whole time, but pretending currents problems in our life such as doing shopping or built a house.

-Science is that subject I’d love to see instead of study, I mean… How can we do someone to study something related with the environment without showing it to them? Not possible.


Gym, Music and Art are not considered the most popular subjects from the highest administration, but for children are the most enjoyable. Why? Because them have the capacity of developing  their talents, their feelings and their creativity.

-Gym let set us free from an entire day receiving information. We can run, dance, jump and so on.

-Music… Who doesn’t enjoy music? Everyone loves it.
-Art let everyone show to the world what they want, what they are able to do with just their hands.


We don’t teach from a specific religion, but our students will learn about all the cultures from the town as well


I miss something… What is it? Of course! Language!

Knowing a second language permits everyone to have the chance to learn a third one and improve their abilities… But which must be taught?

First of all, children must learnt patterns of how learning a language, not introduce them to English (as any school from Spain does)

Students have to know the existence of other languages and the possibility of learning all of them.

In the basic levels we have to show different languages to make them be known, introducing and comparing their characteristic.

So, we would show the picture of an apple, and we’d tell them the way of name this in any language: Apple (English), Manzana (Spanish), Mela (Italian), Maçã (Portuguese) and Pomme (French)

This way we can show the great variety of languages and the interests of each child, because the one, who can’t find his way in English, has his or her chance in Italian, French, Portuguese and whatever they want.


There are no obstacles for anybody. Is our mission motivating our students to make them good, wise and prepared people for the world we live in.

Architectonically, we could find the main building where all the classes are set, divided in levels. On the first floor the youngest one and the first level of primary school, the second one dedicated for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th level, and finally the third floor for the last two levels in this kind of education. The administration of the school could be found on the top of the construction.

Connected to the school there would be three pavilions, each one dedicated to three great areas:

1st. On the left there is the Science pavilion, dedicated to maths, nature and human stuff. Here there are a laboratory and a eco-garden.
2nd. In the middle, the art one where literature and paintings are shown. There a library and a museum can be found.

3rd. The body coliseum, where a gymnasium and a theater are placed.

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Let's be Comic Creators!


La siguiente propuesta didáctica, enmarcada en el área de educación plástica y visual, versará sobre las composiciones de novelas gráficas, a la que denominaremos de aquí en adelante: “Escribimos con dibujos”.

Se ha configurado para ser dirigida al quinto año de educación primaria, con un alumnado de edades comprendidas entre los diez y los doce años aproximadamente, en una clase con un ratio de veinte a veinticinco alumnos/as.

Se trabajará en un colegio público, con diversidad de alumnos perteneciente a diferentes culturas. Entre el alumnado no encontraremos ningún déficit físico o psíquico que requiera de necesidades educativas especiales o de algún tipo de apoyo específico.

Acorde con la actual ley de educación, LOMCE (Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad Educativa), encontramos que la temática seleccionada para la propuesta didáctica se encuadra en el segundo bloque que trata la Expresión artística, en su tercer apartado: “3. Realizar producciones plásticas siguiendo pautas elementales del proceso creativo, experimentando, reconociendo y diferenciando la expresividad de los diferentes materiales y técnicas pictóricas y eligiendo las más adecuadas para la realización de la obra planeada.”

La unidad didáctica se llevará a cabo completamente en inglés.  


La unidad didáctica se enmarca dentro de la expresión artística para el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas y capacidades para el dibujo, además de creación de historias y personajes.

La elección de esta temática radica en la doble vertiente del aprendizaje. Por un lado encontramos el aspecto relacionado con las letras, en cuanto a la creación de una historia, su trama, los personajes, los diálogos y esa estructuración. Por otro lado en el plano artístico encontramos el desarrollo de diseños de personajes y escenarios.


  1. GeneralesRealizar producciones plásticas siguiendo pautas elementales del proceso creativo, experimentando, reconociendo y diferenciando la expresividad de los diferentes materiales y técnicas pictóricas y eligiendo las más adecuadas para la realización de la obra planeada.

  1. Específicos
    1. Conocer las características de los comics
    2. Conocer los elementos del comic
    3. Saber cómo crear personajes
    4. Saber como crear paisajes
    5. Saber cómo estructurar una trama

  1. El cómic y sus partes
  2. Creación de personajes, su complexión física y rasgos faciales
  3. Los personajes y sus elementos
  4. La trama

  1. Material de plástica
  2. Proyector
  3. Powe point sobre el comic
  4. Comics
  5. Fichas guía


Sesión 1. Introducción al mundo de los comics

  • Curso: 5º de primaria
  • Nº de actividades: 4
  • Competencias:
    • Artística
    • Lingüística
  • Contenidos: El cómic y sus partes
  • Objetivos: Introducir en el conocimiento del cómic
  • Organización: Actividades grupales e individuales.
  • Preámbulo: En la clase anterior se les habrá pedido que trajeran un cómic de casa.

  1. Debate
    • Comenzaremos dando los buenos días y diciendo que realizaremos en la sesión:
      • Good morning. From this day on we are gonna be comic creators. First of all, I told you to bring some comics.
    • Cuando todos enseñen sus comics dará comienzo el debate sobre qué puede ser un comic:
      • So, let’s gonna show our comics.
      • Do you like comics?
      • Have you ever written one?
      • Would you like to create one?
    • Cuando se haya cerrado el debate, dará comienzo la explicación de qué es un comic:
      • A comic is a sequence of image that tale a story

    •  Duración: 5-10min
  1. Partes del comic
    • Explicaremos la actividad:
      • Now we knowwhat a comic is… We have to guess which their parts are.
      • In a piece of paper we have to write down which parts we think a comic has.
      • We can use the comic we have brought to guide us
      • We are going to make five teams.
      • Everyone have to collaborate to find most parts possible.
      • You must write down in English.
    • Se repartirán en 5 grupos de 5 y dará comienzo la actividad:
    • Cuando pare el tiempo cada grupo dejará los bolígrafos y haremos una recopilación de o que cada grupo haya recogido.
    • Duración: 15 min

  1. Hagamos un mini-comic
    • Explicaremos la actividad
    • Individualmente recibirán la ficha y comenzarán.
      •  Now we are going to create a comic.
      •  I’m going to give you these files, so you have to cut the pieces and stick them together.
      • The objective is you to see how a comic born in a simply way. Come on! 
    • Duración 20 min.
  1. Fin de la clase
    • Se recogerán los materiales y todos tendrán encima de la mesa su figurita de comic lista
    • Se procederá a explicar en que consistirá el trabajo de clase con el que se evaluará:
    • Se finaliza la clase:
      • The objective of this unit is to create a comic, so this is what we are going to do. Step to step we’re going to create one. Tomorro we are going to start with the first part. What was it? (the plot)
      • So, as homework, you just have to think in the story you want to tell.
    • Duración: 10-15 min

Sesión 2. la trama y sus personajes

  • Curso: 5º de primaria
  • Nº de actividades
  • Competencias:
    • Artística
    • Lingüística
  • Contenidos:
    • Desarrollo de historias
    • Creación de personajes
  • Objetivos
    • Conocer las principales partes de una historia
  • Organización
    • Actividades individuales
  • Preámbulo: Se les habrá pedido que piensen una trama para sus comics con antelación
  1. Cientos de historias

    • Explicaremos en qué consiste la sesión de hoy:
      • Good morning, today we're gonna start our comics. Do you remember what the comic parts are?
      • Fine, so, let's gonna create our story. I'm gonna give you a file where you have to write down your plots.
    • Repartiremos las fichas y comenzará la actividad

    • Duración: 15 min.
  1. Creemos la trama
    • Explicaremos la actividad
      • The plot is what happens in the story. It has three parts
        • The introducction: Is a really short story that shows what is going to happen
        • The action: When the story occurs
        • The outcome: What happens after the actio, to see how everything going to an end
      • Now we know this, in a piece of paper, we're going to write our plots.
    • Pasado el tiempo pararemos la actividad. Los que no la hayan terminado en clase podrán hacerlo en casa.
    • Duración: 20 min.
  1. Los personaje
    • Explicaremos la actividad. 
      • Now we have a plot desgined, I'm sure you have created character. Whe have to know little things about them... So I'm gonna give you some cards to complete.

      • Don't do anything in the space on the left. Tomorrow you'll understand why.
      • If your comics have more than one character, I'll give you more papers. Maximun number of characters must be five.
    • Duración: 15min
  1. Fin de la clase
    • Recogeremos el material y pondremos en un plástico para continuar con el comic al día siguiente.
    • Pediremos a los alumnos que traigan las fichas.
    • Haremos una recopilación de ideas para saber de qué tratarán los comics.
    • Duración: 10

Sesión 3. Diseñar el personaje y los bocadillos

  • Curso: 5º de primaria
  • Nº de actividades: 4
  • Competencias
    • Artística
  • Contenidos
    • Personajes
    • Bocadillos
  • Objetivos:
    • Conocer métodos para dibujar personajes
    • Conocer los bocadillos y su utilización
  • Organización: Grupal
  1. Cara a cara
    • Comenzaremos la clase dando los buenos días y presentando la sesión.
      • Good morning, today we're gonna work the characters. I hope you have brought the paper I gave you yesterday, because we're using them latter. 
    • Explicaremos la activad.
      • First thing let me show how to draw a face:

      • Once we know this, what if we try to draw a partner.  
    • Pararemos la actividad y todos volverán a sus sitios
    • Duración: 15 min
  1. Bocadillos
    • Explicaremos la actividad:
      • When a character wants to speak or thing, they have to do it by a bubble. These are the different kinds of bubbles.

      • With a piece of paper, I'm gonna give you a number, each one means a feeling. With this feeling you have to create your bubbles in the piece of paper.
        • 1. Screaming
        • 2. Speaking
        • 3. Thinking
    • Duración: 15 min
  1. Anatomía
    • Explicaremos la actividad:
      • Now individually, we're gonna take the paper I gave you last class and you're are gonna draw your character. On the left the character, and on the right the faces.
    • Duración 20 min. 
  1. Fin de la clase
    • Se finaliza la clase y se pide que para la siguiente sesión se lleve regla y folios A3 porque vamos a crear nuestros comics.
Sesión 4 y 5. Montamos el comic

    • Introducimos lo que se va a hacer en la sesión (4)
      • We're gonna create the sketch.
      • Once we do it, we're gonna do it on the papers, but this time, well-drawn.  
    • Duración: 20 min
    • Terminamos de dibujar las viñetas y explicamos qué se hará de aquí en adelante.
      • Once you've drawn it. You have to create the comic on your own. We have the rest of this class and the next one (5) to create our whole comic.
    • La sesión 5 será libre para que los alumnos creen su propio comic. 
    • Al final de la misma se recogerán los trabajos,


  1. La evaluación se realizará mediante el proyecto entregado en la última sesión, la actitud en clase y la colaboración en los trabajos grupales.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015



           The topic chosen is detectives and fairytales. The game is a combination between Cluedo and Criminal case, adapted to adults, where the players must find who has killed one of the most famous fairytale character, the weapon used, and the place where it was murdered, because the corpse appeared in a meadow.

            Using a the victim file they must solve the crime and retell what happened

  1.        Character cards
  2.         Weapon cards
  3.          Place cards
  4.          Corpse files


               When everything is explained, we are going to create three groups this way:

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Natalia G
Natalia B.

            When every group is prepared, they are going to receive a character card, so in their group they must introduce themselves by saying their names, where fairytale are they from and what role they played.


            There is some vocabulary about these two topics that we should have learnt:


miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Let's play a game... or two.

Pretending to be werewolves and creating stories.

The third lecture was focus on two card games, simples and funnies: The werewolves of millers' hollow and Speech. I must say the first was more enjoyable than the second one. Let's see both of them.

Werewolves of millers' hollow

"Once upon a time in a small a peacefull village, during the daylight, children plays near the steam, men are hunting meanwhile theis wifes are taking care of their offspring... But during the night when moon appears, the peace dies and werewolves make their appereance. They could be your neighbour, your partner, even your child. No one is safe because every night one person dies. At dawn the werewolves turn back intro humans. Villagers take theis tridents and torchs and kill the one the think is suspect of being a werewolf."

This is the intro of the game. Who are the werewolves? Who are just peasants? Nobody knows... This funny card game has some rules:
  • Once the deck is shuffled, every player reicive a character:
  1. The thief: At the beggining he or she can swap his card for other one.
  2. Cupid: This character has the ability of joinning two persons in a relationship whitout matter their roles.
  3. Werewolves: Awful creatures appearing with the darknes and kill everyone they see.
  4. The seer: This character can see the card he wants.
  5. The girl: She has the ability of keep their eyes open during night.
  6. The witch: A powerful sorceress that has two potion, one for healing and another one for killing.
  7. The peasants: Victims at night but during the day the judge and kill the one they think are blame of the crimes
  8. The hunter: He can shoot a werewolf at night, but it can be a peasant too.
  9. The mayor: This role decide who must day during the day if all the citizent don't reach an agreement.
  • The narrator has to tell the story. When night comes, all players have  to close their eyes and listening and respect the turn of each creature.
    • At night werewolves go first and kill the peasant they decide. Then the witch chooses if she wants to take the dead one from the death, after that the seer selects the card he needs to see.
    • At day, one is dead, and peasants want justice so they kill one of them to see if it's the werewolf.
    • The second night the same structure, but the witch has no healing potion anymore, so she uses her poison to kill another besides the corpse werewolves have killed.
  • Peasant team win only if they kill all werewolves, but if the last two persons are a peasant and a werewolf... BEAST TEAM WIN!
I loved this game when we were playing... I hope to play this again. To end up with this, I have to say I was a werewolf on the firts round, a witch on the second and in the last one a peasant.


Speech is maybe not as funny as the previous one, but a little bit more instructive. It consist of two teams with four card each one, everyone with a picture. The aim is to create a history whatever the plot were with all of them. There's no winner team so it can be appreciated the lack of competitiveness. These pictures were the one we were given:

            • Hourglass
            • Green hairy monster
            • Explotion
            • Tissues

This was our story:

  • One upon a TIME in a faraway country there was a green hairy monster that made cry all its chitizents and they need a lot of tissues. Soon they got ran out of them so the goverment decided to blow up the monster to get tissues back, but by mistake they exploded the whole country, so there were no more monster, no more tissues and no more country. 
(Sad story, but we didn't have time enough to write a Hollywood script)

Hope you've enjoyed reading this post as much as we did doing all the activities.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

What's next?

Maybe you're wondering what's comes next. So no more waiting.

Our second lesson was put off because of the absence of our teacher (Disadvantages of living in Ceuta: Bad weather means not boat trips), so we had to wait a week till Monday ,when we had our normal lesson or that what we thought.

Everything started as normal, we were calm until... AN EXAM WAS ANNOUNCED!  

Well... Not exactly an exam, just a test to evaluate our level in English. Let's say it was just an introduction of us. The first day the teacher introducted himself so that day it was our turn. Fair is fair.

I must say the test was quite long and I got tired. Altough some questions were easy, there were too many of them (120). It took the whole hour... Some of us madenned.

Finally I finished my test and I corrected it too. One hundred correct answers out of one hundred and twenty (100/120). Not bad I guess!

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

What is this Blog about?

This Blog has been created to collect all the experiences we're gonna live during our  2nd year in our formation as teachers.  

The lesson began at 8 am, the teacher gave each one a card upside down. When all of them were dealt out he asked us to turn them back... I saw an owl. The first activity was find our team-mate in class, that is the person who has the same picture in the card, but without using words, just noises. I had to hoot to find my partner, what a madness! It was funny!

Once we found our partner, we was told the teacher had and awful memory so he needed a word which started with the first letter as our name does. Mine's Fran, so I said "fur". Then he delivered some chocolates for each one.

We were divided in two groups to complete a questionarie:

  • My hobby
  • A place I want to travel to 
  • A book I have read
  • A movie I like
  • A wish 
  • An aim for this year
After all the activities we were explain how the classes were gonna be and the requirements for it.

  • Duolingo, a simple tool for easy-learning of any lenguage.
  • Moxtra, an app we're gonna use for comunication as whatsapp.
  • QR scanner
To sum up,  the first lesson was full of activities to make us get intro the system it's gonna be used in the subject, not the common one, otherwise an especial one to promote interaction and: companionship Educar21.